February 27, 2005

Where the wooorld is watching

I surfed the web today as an extreme sport.

I don't quite know if there is a sniglet for it, or a reference in the Urban Dictionary, but today I was mackin' it like Mangum PI.

Clue #1. Look at a picture, and if there is something distinguishable in it, for example a phone number on a wall, cafe name, a roundabout next to a train station with an overbridge on the other side, you can do a little sniffing and become like Tom Selleck and investigate something.

I had a picture and I was trying to work out if the HappyFunTimeShow Podcast was based at a radio station, or someone's bedroom.

Clue #2: I found their website and discovered a pics page. From there I looked through the pictures and found one with a poster that had call letters on it. Some of them were blurred in the picture too, so there was a bit of guesswork too. I searched UCFM and came across some bible stuff. Not right. Oops, check the letters again.

Clue #3: Americans like their station call letters written like "WXYZ-FM". I tried WUSC-FM and landed with a search page resulting in finding their homepage straight away.

I clicked their links page, and just what happened to be listed there? A link to the HappyFunTimeShow. My question had been answered. They recorded their show at a radio station (yet they claim that it's not broadcast - I wonder why..).

More to the point though, I did a Magnum PI and stormed in from the back door.

Among my travels, I found a couple of interesting websites for ya.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Magnum is watching you Mr. Phelps!
haha...I saw this link under where someone had linked to our site so I checked it out. Actually, we are not on WUSC-FM anymore...we are on WXRY-FM...this just recently happened..and...even more surprising...the podcast IS recorded in my bedroom!! We use the same sketches that we record for the studio show,(which are made in my bedroom)but we record a new uncensored commentary right there in the same bedroom, in fact...sometimes we pre-record the WXRY show in my bedroom and upload it into their system ;) Hopefully the DONT theme song to the tune of Magnum PI inspired your quest! haha